Back to the Beginning Game

Back to the BeginningBack to the Beginning Game: People say that for the artists is always hardest to perform in front of the audience in the place where they were born. But it is also similar for the teachers as well. When a teacher comes to lecture in the school where he was studying, the nervousness is always near. Once on a school bench, now on the professorship, we can’t say that the stress is not there. In Back to the Beginning Game: Judy is a teacher. She gets an offer to teach in the same school where she was studying when she was young. This is a rather emotional situation for Judy because there are so many memories that relate her to this school. This is the place where she grew up from being a child to being a young girl.

So now, after few years, Judy comes again in her school. But now not as a student but as a teacher. Before she officially starts with her work, Judy decides to take a look at the place and remember of the wonderful days spent here. It seems like it was yesterday since many things are still same. But actually nothing is same because she is in a completely different stage of her life. However in Back to the Beginning Game, Judy is really happy and excited about her new job and she is looking forward for her new start. She will be very satisfied if she manages to leave a good impression on the children. So in the future they will also feel happiness when they recall their memories about the time spent in school. You can play Back to the Beginning Game on all devices.

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