The Forsaken Town Game

The Forsaken TownThe Forsaken Town Game: Accidents happen. Unfortunately that is true and when it comes about natural catastrophes, usually the consequences could not be avoided. Natural catastrophes are able to destroy cities. To take people’s lives, to hurt them and change the courses of their lives… Often, after the bigger catastrophes, people are forced to change the place of living and move to another place which could be rather difficult but unavoidable in certain cases. In The Forsaken Town Game: Few months ago, a terrible accident has happen in one little town. Actually there was a huge flood and supposedly that was the reason why all people that lived there, decided to leave their homes and move to another place. as the stories say, the place was completely destroyed so no one decided to stay there.

Few months after the accident, Kate and Edward came in that forsaken town. They are in a team of experts whose newest mission is to explore this abandoned little town. As mentioned above, there used to be people there who left the town after the flood. However, walking around Kate and Edward realized that the houses don’t seem to be ruined that much. Somehow they started being suspicious about the fact that the flood was the reason why people have left this town. Kate and Edward want to discover the real reason why everybody left, so they start their mission, exploring every corner of the abandoned city. You can play The Forsaken Town Game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun.

Play The Forsaken Town Game

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