Treasure Ship Game

Treasure ShipTreasure Ship Game: So, we all live in a certain neighborhood, and we know about more of the landmarks that surround us, right? Well, that’s what the three friends – Mary, James, and Patricia, thought. But they found out that there was something very interesting they didn’t know about. Namely in Treasure Ship Game, there is one island located very near to the place where they live. One day, the three friends found out that there is a sunk boat on that island. A ship that was carrying a big treasure.

The boat sunk almost one century ago. As the story says, the sailors had somehow managed to save the treasure that was on the boat and bring the boat to the island. However, since then, no one has heard about the treasure. The three friends in Treasure Ship Game decided that it will be worth giving a try. And see what is actually hidden in that boat. They will go to visit the island and explore the whole place. Maybe they will really find the treasure unless someone has picked it up before. Let’s help Mary, James, and Patricia search the sunken boat and find out what is hidden there. You can play Treasure Ship Game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun.

Also make sure to check Treasure Trek Game, you may enjoy playing it.

Play Treasure Ship Game